Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homeschooling Mama

Why homeschool? We move a lot. We have a boy with a summer birthday who still naps many days of the week. We spend months of the year in a foreign country. I have a teaching degree and am a SAHM. We have 3 boys close together in age who love to play together (and fight together). I was not ready to have our oldest gone for such a long part of the day. All of these things, and more, went into our decision to do school from home this year. It is a tester year. I am not committed for life. I am trying it out and some days I love what I am trying and some days I look forward to the day we send them all off to school.

This blog will chronicle ours days of school and some of the fun and frustration that goes into those days. It will also be a motivation for me to plan more for our days.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about starting something like this myself for about 8 months now - I have been wholeheartedly into it starting it, but then I dismiss it thinking that it's not the best way for me. I'm excited to see what you learn about yourself and your boys!
